New Year, New week, New content!

New Year, New week, New content!

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Wow it has been a bit since we last posted a summary of our weekly recap. But our team was a bit in holiday mode after hard grinding all year long. We needed a breather to relax, re-energize and start the year strong.

And oh boy we did!

So let me catch you up with what we released last week.

The secret to creating multilingual chatbots

If you are working with international client then you definitely need to be able to have your chatbot speak multiple languages as nothing is better then to address the users in their own language. On average you will be able to close deals, quotes and so on about 35% faster on average.

But the issue is how do you set this up?

Well we wrote an article that will teach you two methods to enable your chatbot to speak multilingual. The first option is not my personal favorite but it works, the second however is the secret to almost do this instantly!

Wanna learn this secret? Just go on and have a look here.

New Year.... New Focus

One of the main things to focus on this year is adding to our template store. And with the uprise in AI we have to create AI templates for you to ensure you keep up with the latest industry trends and be on top of the game!

Let's see which ones we have released last week.

AI Dynamic Quiz template

this is an amazing template that does two things:

  • It helps you create any quiz with any topic, question length. It allows you to insert questions or let the AI take care of that as well.

  • Run the actual generated quiz easily with the second flow

You really have to try out this awesome template!

Wanna exercise?

Well with the newly added workout plan generator that will be easy peasy πŸ˜ƒ

This let's AI help you figure out a custom exercise plan using goals, location, equipment and duration. It really is such a unique way of creating custom and personalized workout plans.

You can use this for gym clients, personal fitness trainer and so much more!

Have a go at it and let us know if you like it.

Are you hungry? Let's order!

The last template we released was an amazing pizza ordering system. It only contains a few nodes but the result is a full fledged ordering system.

By using AI, the complete setup has greatly reduced the number of nodes otherwise needed to just 13 nodes and as mentioned it handles:

  • ordering of the pizza, toppings, drinks

  • when choosing delivery it capture the customer's address details

  • when needing to pay it gives various payment options to choose from

When you look at the features above it is crazy how such few nodes are able to handle it all right?

If you like to try it for yourself feel free to install the template from here.

So what do you think?

Did we start the year strong with great content for you to directly use for your chatbot builds?

And we are just getting started as well. This week we already begun on yet another set of new templates that will be powered by AI to show you the potential of all that is possible when using these kinds of setups to simplify and at the same time enrich your chatbot builds.

So wishing a productive for you ahead and I will be sharing another recap really soon!

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